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3rd August 2023

Weekly Climate and Energy News Roundup #418

Pacific Islands must stop relying on foreign aid to adapt to climate change, because the money won’t last

Two Arctic ice caps have vanished as NASA reveals shock satellite images of global warming

Study Finds That ‘Chemical Recycling’ Is All Talk and No Recycling

Phys.org: “Climate change and COVID-19: The denial playbook is the same”

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Climate change-fueled heatwaves could kill millions  Could.


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3rd August 2023

Magic Johnson Arrives in Split on $150 Million ‘Aquila’ Super-Yacht  It’s just astonishing the way black people are oppressed in this country.

More Shootings in NYC So Far in 2023 Than in All of 2023

BLM: Nice Little Cuban Restaurant You Have Here, be a Shame if Anything Happened to It, by Steve Sailer

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Jonathan Isaac Jersey Sales Shoot Up After He Stands Alone During The National Anthem  Nobody dares wear them, though.

NYC Has Already Seen More Shootings This Year Than In All Of 2023

Police Made 4 Arrests For Defacing Property As DC Faced Occasional, Destructive Riots. Then They Arrested 2 Pro-Lifers For Writing ‘Black Preborn Lives Matter’

‘And You Get New Health Care!’ Oprah Launches Voting Registration For BLM-Supporting Voters

BLM Uses ‘Mafia Tactics’ To Threaten Cuban Restaurant Owner With Diversity Demands

Spanish Nets Omit BLM Extortion of Hispanic Business in Louisville

Trader Joe’s Agrees To Discontinue Racist Food Labels, Replace With New ‘Trader Don’s’ Brand  Babylon Bee.

Black Ministry of Justice employee accused of car theft while jogging


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Today in Progressive Totalitarianism

3rd August 2023

Portland Whole Foods workers walk out after employee says he lost job over anti-racism button

REPORT: Washington State Releases Football Players Who Shared ‘WeAreUnited’ Message

China Accuses US Of Harassing Chinese Researchers Amid Series Of Arrests For Lying About Beijing Ties

Thrill Up Their Leg? WashPost Rhapsodizes on ‘Spectacular Rise’ of Lincoln Project

Truckers Fear For Their Safety After Efforts To Defund The Police  Hijacking trucks is a favorite criminal pastime.

Democrats Propose New Debate Format Where Biden Is Tied Up Backstage With His Mouth Duct-Taped Shut  Babylon Bee.

Outsports Doxxes Hundreds Of Females Who Signed Letter Urging NCAA Not To Boycott Idaho Over Potential Transgender Athlete Ban  Get woke or choke.


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3rd August 2023

The Lincoln Project’s plan for preserving the union: Drive Trump out of office by driving him nuts  Washington Post. Hey, he did it to them first….

BAM: Billy Bush Says NBC Built Trump in Their Lab, Now ‘Despises Him Most’

Top 13: ‘Virus Is Winning,’ Time to End ‘Dictator’ Trump’s ‘Reign of Terror’

Hey, Chris Cuomo: Maybe YOU Have Hate In Your Heart? Not Trump

Trump ‘Doesn’t Plan To Have Fair And Unfettered Election … Plans To Install Himself In Some Emergency Way,’ Says Rep. Clyburn

Rasmussen Poll: Trump Approval Rating Hits 51 Percent

“Blood-Chilling” Or Just A Tweet? Debunking The Coup d’Trump  Jonathan Turley.

Willfully Covering Up Dem Lies: CNN Calls Trump ‘Pinocchio’ on ObamaCare

CNN Doesn’t Care About Facts: Ryan Claim ‘Armed Forces’ Will Force Trump to Leave Office

MSNBC FAIL: Watch Claims of Racist Trump Policy Immediately Collapse


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Why Is America Stuck with Bad Headlights?

3rd August 2023

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A drive in a European-market 2021 Porsche 911 Turbo S with matrix LEDs shows just how dumb our headlights are in the U.S.

Europe good, America bad.

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3rd August 2023

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How many of them are run by Democrats is left as an exercise for the reader.

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CNN Anchor Attacks Yale Prof Who Advocates Hydroxychloroquine

3rd August 2023


Who are you going to believe, CNN or some professor somewhere?

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Generate Your Own Academic Paper Title

3rd August 2023

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Be the first on your block….

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Thought for the Day

3rd August 2023


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The Truth Is Paywalled But the Lies Are Free

3rd August 2023

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Of course, this being Current Affairs, the ‘lies’ are mostly what the Right believes while the ‘truth’ is mostly what the Left believes:

Eric Levitz of New York is one of the best and most prolific left political commentators we have. But unless you’re a subscriber of New York, you won’t get to hear much of what he has to say each month.

But still, his point is well taken. What you get for free on the Internet is mostly click-bait, because that gets page views, and that gets advertising, and advertising is how you pay for stuff that isn’t behind a paywall.

Personally, I have yet to find a behind-the-paywall site that has stuff I’m willing to pay for (yes, that includes the Wall Street Journal). Anything that gets published that is even moderately significant will eventually wind up somewhere I can read it for free, typically accompanied by fairly useful commentary. I’m not saying that’s a good thing, but it’s a thing, and I take the world as I find it.

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3rd August 2023

怎么浏览youtube网站 speaks for all right-thinking people.

I’ve always been antisocial, and from my perspective, that’s society’s fault. When you see how people operate in groups, you’d realize that being antisocial is a virtue rather than a character flaw. Being antisocial merely means being wise to how people operate in groups. And it’s never pretty. That’s why I refuse to declare myself part of any movement, because it would involve being surrounded by people.

This is why I never needed government agents or social-media scolds to tell me to keep my distance. I don’t go anywhere I’m not wanted and I avoid most of the places where I actually am wanted.


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In Portland, 150 Shots Fired in a Single Incident, But That Had Nothing to Do with the Peaceful Protests. NOTHING!

3rd August 2023

Steve Sailer.

Must be Youthful Exuberance.

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Can Minneapolis Recover?


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如何在YouTube赚钱: 油管赚钱最终指南 – 用WordPress建网站:YouTube将大部分广告收入(55%)分给相应的Youtuber,每一千个浏览量大概是7.60美元。 ... 你可伍在美国域名中心US Domain Center这家全球性的公司购买一个域名和主机,开始建设一个网站,然后就可伍跟不同的公司联盟,来大大提高你在YouTube ...

Yesterday a friend sent me a similar video, on a smaller scale, which was filmed by a resident of South Minneapolis. It shows Minnehaha Park, near the famous Minnehaha Falls. The tent city that has sprung up there is replicated in many other Minneapolis parks. These encampments are the result, I believe, of an executive order by Governor Tim Walz that decreed all 38 parks within the city of Minneapolis to be open for occupancy by tent squatters. I assume this order ostensibly has something to do with the governor’s emergency powers based on the COVID epidemic, but how the two are related I can’t tell you. Basically, we are living under martial law.

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Today in Progressive Totalitarianism

2nd August 2023

‘I Have Never Been Called That’: Dr. Birx Responds To Pelosi Criticism

The Panopticon Is Already Here

Portland Recorded More Homicides In July Than Any Month Over Last 30 Years  Sure, we’ll de-fund the police and see what happens.


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Today in Global Warming Hysteria

2nd August 2023

Greenland Ice CO2 – Chemical Reactions or Natural Variability?

British Academics: Delay is the new Climate Denial

Satellite survey shows California’s sinking coastal hotspots

A favourite lie of the environmental movement takes another blow

Four held after British GP climate action protest

YouTube_360百科:2021-4-15 · YouTube,YouTube是世界上最大的视频网站,早期公司位于加利福尼亚州的圣布鲁诺。注册于2021年2月15日,由华裔美籍华人陈士骏等人创立。在比萨店和日本餐馆,让用户下载、观看及分享影片或短片。2021年11月,Google公司伍16.5亿美元收购了 ...


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Today in Black Privelege

2nd August 2023

Hartford police say man decapitated landlord during rent dispute, claimed ‘sovereign’ status

How ‘good White people’ derail racial progress CNN.

NBA’s Jonathan Isaac Becomes First To Stand For National Anthem And Refuse To Wear A “Black Lives Matter” T-Shirt

College Expels Student For “Racist” Social Media Post, Then Discovers What Actually Happened

BLM Fascists Harass Restaurant Patrons [Updated]


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2nd August 2023

The moment impeachment managers realized how corrupt Trump’s defense was  Washington Post. (How can a ‘defense’ be ‘corrupt’?)

Confederate Coolers and Grifters: ABC Promotes Anti-Trump Lincoln Project

哔哩哔哩 (゜-゜)つロ 干杯~-bilibili:bilibili是国内知名的视频弹幕网站,这里有最及时的动漫新番,最棒的ACG氛围,最有创意的Up主。大家可伍在这里找到许多欢乐。  And we can’t have that, now, can we? (I guess this makes Biden the Islamist candidate….)

UNHINGED: CNN Claims Trump Trying to Intentionally ‘Crash’ America

Bill Maher Gushes Over Jim Carrey’s Anti-Trump Painting ‘Wicked Witch of the West Wing’


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2nd August 2023

Read it.

It may seem a stretch to compare page design with architecture, but the comparison really works, I think. Looking at the medieval page, it is not difficult to regard it as an engineered construction: a convoluted space defined by columns and corridors, with rooms inhabited by thoughts and ideas (Figure 1). Nothing encountered on the medieval page is a coincidence. Everything is there for a reason and serves a specific purpose; and so, too, is the manner in which the text was spread out over the page. Like other material features of the manuscript, page design is usually reflective of how the book would be used, but in their choices scribes also responded to the preferences – demands, even – of the individuals who would ultimately use the manuscript.

Readers, in turn, preferred their books – and the pages in them – to be formatted in certain ways because they planned to use them for performing particular tasks: to educate or be educated (teachers and students), to entertain or to be entertained (minstrels and courtiers), or to gather a body of information and consult it (scholars, preachers, physicians, lawyers). How and where words were placed on the page – their size and script, and their location – were important considerations in this process of turning the book into a tool that was up to the task. Indeed, it can be argued that a page’s design was (and is) key to a book’s success. What are some of the variables in play? And how did the choice for a certain design affect, positively and negatively, the manner in which the medieval book could be used effectively?

Page layout has ancient roots, and a considerable body of traditional knowledge. Today’s functional equivalent is web-page user interface design, and they still haven’t got it to the same degree of sophistication of those ancient scribes.

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Democrats vs. Suburbia: Biden Will Make ‘Magic Dirt Theory’ Federal Policy

2nd August 2023

The Other McCain sniffs it out.

When President Trump first raised the accusation last month that Joe Biden is planning to destroy the “Suburban Dream Lifestyle,” I didn’t know what the hell he was talking about, and half believed the media claim that Trump was just “stoking fear.” And then I investigated, and discovered that Democrats plan to abolish single-family home zoning.

Crazy? Yes, it sounds so crazy that you can’t imagine that anyone would seriously propose such a policy, but this goes back to something the Obama administration actually did (by executive order) in 2015, “tying federal community development grants to proactive efforts by communities to integrate neighborhoods,” as left-wing Mother Jonesdescribed it. This issue gets very deep very quickly, but the basic idea is that suburban communities that maintain single-family zoning thereby restrict the areas in which “affordable housing” can be built and — stay with me here — “affordable housing” is just code for homes for black people because, presumably, “black” is a synonym for poor.

‘Affordable housing’ is, almost by definition, housing that NAMs can pay for with their Federal housing assistance. You can look it up.

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Why Professors Are Writing Crap That Nobody Reads

2nd August 2023

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Tenure doesn’t grow on trees, you know.

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“He Chose His Poison”: Grandma Implicates Grandson as Bomb-Thrower in Portland Attack

2nd August 2023

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We have been discussing the criminal cases emerging from incidents of rioting or arson around the country over these weeks of protest. One case out of Oregon however seems to capture the divisions in the country. Gabriel “Rico” Agard-Berryhill, 18, has been charged with throwing an explosive device. The primary witness against him is his grandmother, Karla Fox, 69, who is also a Trump supporter.

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2nd August 2023


youtube视频网站-思源资源网:2 天前 · youtube.com是一个视频网站, 设立在美国的一个影片分享站点,让用户上载、旁观及分享影片或短片。 youtube得益于其成熟的生态系统伍及壮大的视频后期编辑能力,内里的内容一应俱全,其功效包罗分享视频, 视频直播, 在线电视, 音乐.影视旁观等等 , Youtube视频网站是美国最大的视频分享平台。

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Id and Superego in the Suburbs



My father’s insight in 1969 that Beverly Hills and Malibu liberals were all jumping on the environmentalist bandwagon to keep out the less privileged remains a head-slappingly rare idea in 2023. One should not underestimate liberals’ ability to vote for the smart thing locally: e.g., the Democrats lost 5 straight elections in New York City after the one term of the only black mayor, without New Yorkers adjusting their hectoring of the rest of the country at all.

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2nd August 2023

Steve Sailer.

youtube视频网站-思源资源网:2 天前 · youtube.com是一个视频网站, 设立在美国的一个影片分享站点,让用户上载、旁观及分享影片或短片。 youtube得益于其成熟的生态系统伍及壮大的视频后期编辑能力,内里的内容一应俱全,其功效包罗分享视频, 视频直播, 在线电视, 音乐.影视旁观等等 , Youtube视频网站是美国最大的视频分享平台。

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Chicago Sees 139% Jump in Murders, Uptick in Shootings in July 2023: Police

1st August 2023

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Chicago has, of course, some of the strictest ‘gun control’ laws in the country — not that they appear to do any good.

Maybe de-funding the police will help. They seem to have tried everything else.

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1st August 2023

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如何在YouTube赚钱: 油管赚钱最终指南 – 用WordPress建网站:YouTube将大部分广告收入(55%)分给相应的Youtuber,每一千个浏览量大概是7.60美元。 ... 你可伍在美国域名中心US Domain Center这家全球性的公司购买一个域名和主机,开始建设一个网站,然后就可伍跟不同的公司联盟,来大大提高你在YouTube ...

Weiss said mere criticism is “kosher,” it’s the word that journalists do. “What cancel culture is about is not criticism. It is about punishment. It is about making a person radioactive. It is about taking away their job,” Weiss told Maher. “The writer Jonathan Rauch called it social murder. And I think that’s right.”

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Today in Trump Derangement Syndrome

1st August 2023

Video resurfaces of Trump struggling to vote in person in 2004 as he ramps up attacks on mail-in voting  CNN. Pretty sophomoric.

Drooling MSNBCers Long for Obama as They Campaign Against Trump

Leftist Insanity: Bernstein Demands GOP Force Trump Out of Office

Ghoulish CNN Exploits Herman Cain’s Death to Attack Trump

Amanpour Cues Jerry Brown to Bash Trump Over Portland, Election


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Today in Progressive Totalitarianism


‘Soviet-Style Airbrushing’: How Corporate Media Is Contributing To Civil Unrest

5个在线网站免费Youtube视频-百度经验:2021-1-2 · 5个在线网站免费Youtube视频,老婆想要关于二叉树的视频,在Youtue找到了,想要分享给她,可是她却不能打开要出去...,这个很尴尬,于是想先下载下来,然后再把文件给她,于是乎,找到了这些可爱的网站。

Facebook puts global block on Brazil’s Bolsonaro supporters

Portland’s ‘Peaceful’ Protesters Burn Bibles, American Flags And Pig’s Head After Feds Withdraw


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Today in Black Privilege

1st August 2023

‘A failed experiment’: the racist legacy of California governor Pete Wilson  The Guardian.

Vermont Profs, Students “Demand” Full “Abolition” Of Campus Police, BLM Flag To Be Flown

The Chicago Gun Myth  BRAAAAAAAINS!

Feds Arrest Democrat Voters in Chicago

Seattle Moves To Replace ‘Racist’ Police With ‘Trauma-Informed, Gender-Affirming, Anti-Racist’ Organizations

The Troubling Goals of the Black Lives Matter Movement

youtube视频网站-思源资源网:2 天前 · youtube.com是一个视频网站, 设立在美国的一个影片分享站点,让用户上载、旁观及分享影片或短片。 youtube得益于其成熟的生态系统伍及壮大的视频后期编辑能力,内里的内容一应俱全,其功效包罗分享视频, 视频直播, 在线电视, 音乐.影视旁观等等 , Youtube视频网站是美国最大的视频分享平台。  The difficulty is that most “Karens” are Democrats.

The New York Times thinks ‘nice white parents’ are the root of all evil

Sleazy Morning Joe: Don’t You Dare Question Obama Politicizing a Funeral!

Pro-Life Students Arrested For Writing ‘Black Preborn Lives Matter’ On Sidewalk Outside Of DC Planned Parenthood

DC Police Reveal Why They Arrested Teens Writing Pro-Life Messages In Chalk  Also, they weren’t Marxists.

FLASHBACK: Nets Hid The Fact That This RACIST President Was a Democrat  (Woodrow Wilson)

Chicago Homicides and Shootings Rise Sharply in 2023  BRAAAAAAAINS!

Exclusive Candace Owens Interview, Part One: Her Views On Black Lives Matter

CNN Analyst Claims Herman Cain Died To Make ‘A Political Statement’ About Masks  Uh, no….

Titus Techera: Black Christianity


Posted in Whose turn is it to be the victim? | No Comments »

Today in Global Warming Hysteria

1st August 2023

通过 YouTube 或其他网站插入视频 - Office 支持:来自 YouTube 和 Vimeo 的视频默认按“播放序列”进行播放。 无需单击“播放”按钮即可播放视频。 只需单击空格键即可转到单击序列中的下一步。 疑难解答 并非来自这些网站的所有联机视频均可插入。 应在视频网站上查看,了解某特定视频是否可插入。

How to improve climate modeling and prediction

Biden’s false climate promises


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如何免费在线下载YouTube视频,亲测效果很棒 - 知乎:2021-1-26 · 网站介绍 这个网站叫做YouTubNow,打开网站首页界面非常的简洁,通过这个网站我伊可伍快速找到并下载自己最喜欢的 YouTube 视频,网站没有任何广告并且完全免费,网站使用更加简单,只需要输入视频链接或名称,然后点击 “下载”,即可下载到本地,当然如果你觉得网站不方便收藏,也可伍直 …

1st August 2023

Read it.

Thank God for the strict gun ban in Britain, or the place would look like Texas.

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Glucosamine Supplementation Correlates With Reduced All-Cause Mortality

1st August 2023

Read it.

Glucosamine is a polysaccharide that is found naturally in cartilaginous joint tissues, bones, skin, ligaments, and nails, and it is involved in protein and lipid synthesis. In the context of joints, synovial fluid contains glucosamine and occupies the space between joints, helping to reduce the friction of joint surfaces.

The evidence for its usefulness in addressing conditions such as arthritis is, however, small at best, though there is some data for its effectiveness as an anti-inflammatory, according to the results of a randomized clinical trial in 2015 [1].

However, glucosamine supplementation seems to correlate with lower all-cause mortality and other mortality risks, such as cardiovascular disease (CVD), cancer, respiratory and digestive diseases. A recent analysis published in the journal BMJ showed that glucosamine supplementation conveys around a 15% reduction of all-cause mortality [2]. This is a considerable amount when compared to other lifestyle interventions as well as other supplements. The data gathered is from a large number of people, and the trend of reduced mortality is unmistakable.

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Sign of the Apocalypse? CNN Mentions Bill Clinton in New Epstein Story

1st August 2023

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On Friday’s New Day, CNN co-host Alisyn Camerota and reporter Kara Scannell committed random acts of journalism in discussing the newly released documents from a 2015 civil lawsuit brought by Virginia Giuffre against Jeffrey Epstein.

国内主流视频网站为什么不像YouTube一样“5秒后可伍跳过 ...:2021-4-13 · 同为视频网站,YouTube在视频广告模式上选择的是TrueView广告,即五秒后可伍跳过;而国内主流视频网站则大为不同,那么它伊为什么会存在这种差异呢?背后又有哪些产品知识呢? 在知乎上看到有位知友在2021年提问了下述问题,时至今日 ...

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Thought for the Day

1st August 2023

Job Interview:

“So tell me, what is your biggest weakness?”
“I’m too honest.”
“I don’t think that being too honest is really a weakness.”
“I don’t give a rat’s ass what you think.”

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No Injustice, No Peace

1st August 2023


Darren Wilson is the former Ferguson, Missouri police officer who shot and killed Michael Brown, who assaulted him. The shooting was a wholly justified act of self defense. Yet, it triggered the Black Lives Matter movement. It’s fitting that a phony justice movement originated with a phony claim of police misconduct.

Wilson has been cleared of any criminal conduct by a grand jury and by the Obama-Holder Justice Department. But the left never gives up. Thus, as Bill Otis notes, yet another prosecutor, Wesley Bell elected in 2018, reopened the investigation of Wilson.

Bell, who is African-American, gained office by attacking Robert McCulloch, the incumbent prosecutor. McCulloch led the grand jury proceeding that resulted in no indictment of Wilson. Yet, Bell reached the same conclusion as McCulloch: Darren Wilson is not guilty of any crime that could be proven to a jury under the same standards applied to everyone else.

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Jobs for the Theys

1st August 2023


If you were in a cynical frame of mind, you might conclude that The Great Awokening / Black Lives Matter is mostly a Jobs for the Boys racket.

But of course the current Racial Reckoning can’t be a Jobs for the Boys grift because that would be sexist and cisgendered. The proper term is, therefore, Jobs for the Theys.

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Burn the Republican Party Down?

1st August 2023

Peggy Noonan understands the dialectic.

YouTube官网 - 官网大全将带你进入真正的YouTube官网:YouTube,是设立在美国的一个影片分享站点,让用户上载、观看及分享影片或短片。2021年2月15日正式注册使用,到了4月23日,第一部YouTube 影片被上传,影片标题为“我在动物园”(Me at the zoo) 由台湾裔美籍华人陈士骏创站,站点的命称和标志皆是自早期电视所使用的阴极射线管发想而成。

He came from the growing realization of on-the-ground Americans that neither party seemed to feel any particular affiliation with or loyalty to them, that both considered them lumpen bases to be managed and manipulated. He came from the great and increasing social and cultural distance between the movers and talkers of the national GOP, its strategists, operatives, thinkers, pundits and party professionals, and the party’s base. He came from algorithms that deliberately excite, divide and addict, and from lawmakers who came to see that all they had to do to endure was talk, not legislate, because legislating involves compromise and, in an era grown polar and primitive, compromise is for quislings.

He came from a spirit of frustration among a sizable segment of the electorate that, in time, became something like a spirit of nihilism. It will be a long time repairing that, and no one is sure how to.

Posted in Think about it. | 国内手机怎么上youtube网站

Way Down in Arkancide

1st August 2023

Read it.

In the following interview, former CIA station chief Brad Johnson discusses the “Clinton body count” — the string of fatal incidents that have mysteriously befallen dozens of people who opposed, thwarted, or held damaging information on Bill and Hillary Clinton.

I love the smell of conspiracy in the morning….

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1st August 2023

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Friday afternoon, CNN and MSNBC anchors tried to discount Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH) after he tried to get Dr. Fauci to say whether or not protests spread coronavirus, during a congressional hearing today. CNN’s Brianna Keilar and MSNBC’s Andrea Mitchell were not amused by Jordan exposing the double standard placed on left-wing protesters vs. churchgoers, and each tried to discredit him in their own way.


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31st July 2023

Obama Goes After Trump On George Floyd Protests At John Lewis’ Funeral

Louisville And Other Cities Considering Declaration That Racism Is A Public Health Crisis

Tennessee State Senator Allegedly Stole Over $600,000 Of Federal Funds To Pay For Wedding, Travel, Campaign Events And A Jeep

youtube - youtube官网视频网站www.youtube.com:youtube,youtube官网视频网站www.youtube.com. 1月4日:优化了邀请好友流程。 12月31日:优化了新鲜事的阅读体验;改进了个人主页风格。

Obama Uses John Lewis Eulogy To Slam The ‘Jim Crow Relic’ Filibuster He Supported 15 Years Ago

He held a BLM sign in what he called ‘America’s most racist town.’ The result? A viral video of abuse.  Washington Post.

Tennessee senator stole $600K to pay for her wedding — then cover her divorce

De Blasio paints another Black Lives Matter mural, as shootings plague NYC

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Obama Turns John Lewis Funeral Into Political Rally  Of course he did.

NBA players protest racial injustice as league returns to action

Tom Patterson: BLM Is a Marxist, Racist Fraud

WaPo: While Black Moms Have Black Bodies, White Moms Only Have White Flesh, by Steve Sailer

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St. Louis’ Top Prosecutor Says No Charges Against Police Officer Who Killed Michael Brown in 2014

‘For F**king Shame’: Activists Angry At New Prosecutor Who Won’t Charge Cop In Michael Brown Case

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Google adds “Black-owned” business attribute to local listings

Speech Police: ABC Warns of ‘Commonly Used Terms’ With ‘Racist Origins’

Charles Barkley Defends People Who Stand During The National Anthem, Says They’re Not ‘Bad’ People

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The Fed and Racial Equality

Trader Joe’s Makes Baffling Business Decision To Ignore Angry People On The Internet Who Don’t Even Shop There  Babylon Bee.

In Portland, some Black activists frustrated with white protesters

Leftist NBA Players Juggle Basketball Around Social Justice Priorities

‘Trained Marxists’: Morgan Zegers Talks About What She Thinks The Black Lives Matter Movement Really Stands For

Joy Reid: Obama Was Like ‘Batman’ Giving an American ‘Treatise’ to Stop Trump, the ‘Joker’

Hundreds Of Angry Protesters Gather Outside Hamptons Billionaire Mansions To Demand Wealth Tax


Posted in Whose turn is it to be the victim? | No Comments »

Today in Global Warming Hysteria

31st July 2023

Trump Recovers Taxpayer Cash On A $1 Billion Obama-Backed Solar Plant That Was Obsolete Before Ever Going Online

Study: Flooding Could Cost $14.2 Trillion In Asset Loss By 2100

Flooding from sea level rise could cost our planet $14.2 trillion, study says CNN.

Coastal flooding could hit nearly 20% of global GDP as climate change accelerates storms, sea level rise

The four types of climate denier, and why you should ignore them all  The Guardian. Burn the witch!

The Guardian: “The Four Types of Climate Denier…”

Wildfires, record warmth and rapidly melting ice: Arctic climate goes further off the rails this summer  Washington Post. Off the rails!

UK Academics Advocate Silencing Dissent On Climate Change & COVID-19

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Today in Progressive Totalitarianism

31st July 2023

Authorities Seize IEDs In Seattle — DHS Also Confirms Their Use In Portland Protests

Pure Evil: Navarro, Reid & Co. Berate Herman Cain After Death for Not Wearing Mask

Dianne Feinstein Says China, Which Is Putting Muslims In Camps, Is ‘Growing Into A Respectable Nation’

Breitbart Still Suspended From Twitter After Viral HCQ Video; Doctor Gets Axe Over Involvement

DC Rebrands Wonder Woman As Wonder Person Who Menstruates  Babylon Bee.

Tax hike on California millionaires would create 54% tax rate  Time to bail.

‘These Are All Signs Of Organized Activities’: Leading Security Expert Reacts To Portland Riots

The New York Times Union Is Pushing For Compensated Pre-Publication ‘Sensitivity Reads’

Protesters Assault Two Officers Near Richmond Robert E Lee Statue, Police Say

如何在YouTube赚钱: 油管赚钱最终指南 – 用WordPress建网站:YouTube将大部分广告收入(55%)分给相应的Youtuber,每一千个浏览量大概是7.60美元。 ... 你可伍在美国域名中心US Domain Center这家全球性的公司购买一个域名和主机,开始建设一个网站,然后就可伍跟不同的公司联盟,来大大提高你在YouTube ...  They don’t want a cure. They want to tank the economy in order to get rid of Trump.

CNN Spokesman Doubles Down On Network’s Decision To Say ‘Individuals With A Cervix’ Instead Of ‘Women’


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Today in Trump Derangement Syndrome

31st July 2023

CNN Allows Venomous Trump-Hating Harwood to Cover the White House

Co-founder of influential conservative group: Trump’s tweet floating election delay is grounds for impeachment  CNN. Oh no! Trump got out of bed today! Impeach him!

Walsh on Trump tweet: I don’t give a damn if he’s joking, he said it  CNN.

MSNBC Crackpot Reid Fears ‘Fanatical’ Trumpers May Harm Mary Trump

嵌入视频和播放列表 - YouTube帮助:将该伋码粘贴到您的博客或网站 HTML 中。 如果您要在您面向儿童的网站或应用中嵌入 YouTube 视频,您必须使用这些工具自行标识您的网站和应用。您进行自行标识后,Google 就不会在这些网站或应用中投放个性化广告,并会停用嵌入式播放器中的部分功能。

Cuomo Blames Trump for Cain’s Death, Claims Pres. Feels No Remorse

Dem Stooges at CNN Wounded That Trump Is Undoing THIS Obama Power Grab

Vicious NBC Turns John Lewis Funeral Into Trump-Trashing Attack Ad

James Clyburn Slams Trump, Says He Scrapped National Plan Because COVID-19 Was Spreading In Blue States

Trump Admin Made Four Separate COVID Stimulus Offers – Dems Rejected All Of Them, Meadows Says

Tax-Funded FRAUD: NPR Cues Up ‘Republican Response’ from Biden Campaigners

Hillary’s Honchos: CNN Turns Clinton Into a Victim, Lies About Trump Housing Policy

Gracious Trump Suggests Delaying Election Until Dems Find A Candidate Who Can Form Coherent Sentences  Babylon Bee.

YouTube 十五周年:一个失败的约会网站,如何成为了在线 ...:2021-5-16 · 在线视频之王:YouTube 划重点: 失败的约会网站 的副产品意外地火了 贾斯汀·比伯从YouTube的崛起为后者改变音乐和音乐产业提供了铺垫 专不专业清 ...  And proglodytes seem determined to assist him.

‘Listen, You Know Nothing About What I Do’: Trump Scolds Reporter Over Mail-In Ballot Question

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youtube视频网站-思源资源网:2 天前 · youtube.com是一个视频网站, 设立在美国的一个影片分享站点,让用户上载、旁观及分享影片或短片。 youtube得益于其成熟的生态系统伍及壮大的视频后期编辑能力,内里的内容一应俱全,其功效包罗分享视频, 视频直播, 在线电视, 音乐.影视旁观等等 , Youtube视频网站是美国最大的视频分享平台。


Read it.

So, narrative journalism is basically reporting the news by telling a first-person (usually) narrative about the topic. A narrative is simply “a spoken or written account of connected events; a story.” In narrative journalism, the journalist writes: what’s happening, how I went there, who I talked to, what I saw, how I felt, how the victims and participants in the news felt, what they told me and, for most stories, what I (the journalist) think it all means.

Most ‘jouralists’ today don’t want to report news, they want to tell stories, because it is by telling a story (preferably a tear-jerker) that will get the all-important Pulitzer and a six-figure income

Posted in Axis of Drivel. | No Comments »

Ocasio-Cortez Says Statue Of Catholic Priest Who Served Lepers Is ‘White Supremacist Culture’

31st July 2023


The statue of a Catholic saint who served people with leprosy in Hawaii is an example of colonialism and white supremacy, New York Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez suggested an Instagram story Thursday.

In the video, one of several posted several Instagram stories criticizing the number of white, male figures represented in the U.S. Capitol on Instagram, Ocasio-Cortez refers to the “patriarchy and white supremacist culture” and pans to Hawaii’s statue of Father Damien, a Belgium-born 19th century priest who dedicated his life to a leper colony on the island of Molokai and eventually died with the disease, according to the Architect of the Capitol.

I would have to agree. That’s exactly what white culture looks like.

Posted in Axis of Drivel. | No Comments »

Thought for the Day

31st July 2023


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31st July 2023

Severian adds it up.

There were two main reasons for the decline, both structural. The first, of course, is Communism itself. A totally ideologized society is a society totally committed to make-believe. You could fill a good-sized book listing the catastrophes make-believe caused the USSR. Just to take the most obvious: Hitler did everything but send the Goodyear Blimp over Moscow, towing a banner announcing his invasion plans. But since everyone who accurately reported the goings-on in Poland ended up in the Gulag, the Wehrmacht walked right on in.

The second has to do with the nature of totalitarian leadership. Obviously sharing power is out of the question, so every Boss who finally claws his way to the top ruthlessly purges everyone who could conceivably challenge him. The purged are replaced by yes-men and toadies, who immediately enact mini-purges of their own inside their new departments. It doesn’t take more than a few rounds of this for smarter functionaries to learn to dig themselves in very, very deep, disguising themselves in a kind of protective stupidity. A few more rounds, and “protective stupidity” drops the modifier, as anyone with anything on the ball has decamped for the safer — and, not coincidentally, very soon much more profitable — havens of technical management.

It doesn’t take long before your “leadership” is nothing but ideology-addled dimbulbs. Sound familiar?

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ISLAMOCOPIA FRIDAY: What’s New in the Religion of Peace

31st July 2023

A Culture-Enriching Knife Rampage in Sarpsborg

Culture-Enriching “Swedish” Murderer Sprung From Durance Vile

Arizona Woman Who Tried to Send Money to al-Queda Arrested by FBI

Another Afghan Success Story From Sweden

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Israel & Hezbollah Exchange Fire Across Lebanese Border In Major Clash

Pakistan urges worshippers to buy sacrificial animals online to prevent COVID-19 surge

Don’t Let Turks & Russians Carve Up Libya

Taliban announce three-day ceasefire in Afghanistan for Eid al-Adha, starting Friday  But that trick never works.

Afghan Government To Release 5,000 Taliban Prisoners, Restart Peace Talks With Insurgents  But that trick never works.

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The Joys of Italian Multiculture

Turkish Magazine Calls For Revival Of Caliphate 

WEAPONS: SPICE Versus Islamic Terrorists

Pakistan man accused of blasphemy shot dead in courtroom

U.S. urges Pakistan to act after American charged with blasphemy shot in court

ISIS Releases Video Calling for Arson Attacks in the US  Claim to be Democrats and you’re in free.

INTELLIGENCE: The Recruitables

IRAQ: Confronting Turks And Iranians

In Mecca, a fortunate few pray for a pandemic-free world

In West Bank, Eid sacrifices plummet as Palestinian virus cases soar

Pakistanis take livestock to ‘cow wash’ ahead of Eid


Posted in Living with Islam. | No Comments »

American Parents Are Setting Up Homeschool “Pandemic Pods”

31st July 2023

Read it.

In the past few weeks, a new vocabulary has emerged in parenting groups on social media: pandemic pods, copods, microschools, homeschool pods. All describe cobbled-together groups of students who plan to study at home together this fall as the pandemic creeps into a new academic year.

Homeschooling, this is not. As local and federal governments continue to squabble over the risks of sending kids back to school, parents are frantically gathering groups of similar-age kids to be taught at home. The idea is that they band together to pay for private tuition or delegate supervision to a single parent, allowing the rest to get back to work. Pods should also supply some of the social aspect of school without the infection risk inherent in cramming dozens of kids in a room together.

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The Weight of the World

31st July 2023


YouTube 十五周年:一个失败的约会网站,如何成为了在线 ...:2021-5-16 · 在线视频之王:YouTube 划重点: 失败的约会网站 的副产品意外地火了 贾斯汀·比伯从YouTube的崛起为后者改变音乐和音乐产业提供了铺垫 专不专业清 ...

Posted in You can't make this stuff up. | 大陆看youtube

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